Halloween was very fun this year! The weekend before Halloween there was a University of Phoenix party. It was actually ment for the "employee team"...but I have special hooks ups, so I got me and Heather invited. We threw together our costumes pretty last minute, but they turned out great.
Heather and Lisa- Friends from training!
I liked my "tattoo".... if you couldn't tell.
For actual Halloween weekend we went to Las Vegas!!!
Heather had never been to Vegas before and her boyfriend has been in Utah working for a little while so we met halfway! There were a total of 6 of us in one hotel room, but all the pictures are basically of me and Valerie. Heather was off with her boyfriend and the other people that came were kinda weird- so we did our own thing! Sadly, my camera died while on the trip, but I took as many pictures as I could.
(Just a warning, practically every picture is of me and Valerie.
It was the Valerie/Brannigan Show. )
We're cute.
I was a cop and she was a school girl bully.
Cop & Gangsta Mafia.
And this is the final picture my camera could handle :(
Vegas was great! The 5 blisters I have we well worth it. Hope everyone else had a great Halloween as well!!
I FRIGGIN love vegas...next time you go, just let me know, we have a condo on the strip that you can stay at...it even sleeps 8....
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